xin cam on ban , bai viet hay cho nguoi moi bietchuongkim
cai HD nay hinh nhu cua chuongkim thi phaicasi.phamtruong
GAMEMetal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the PatriotsDark SoulsRed Dead RedemptionUncharted: Drake''s FortuneUncharted 2: Among ThievesUncharted 3: Drake''s DeceptionTop Spin 4LittleBigPlanet 2VanquishGod Of W...dfasdf

X1. X-Men Origins Wolverine (6.5GB)
+ video : click here
Y1. Yakuza 3 (20 GB)
+ video : click here
Y3. Yakuza 4 (21.4 GB)
+ video : click here
Z1. zumba fitness (4.10 GB)
+ video : click here
Z2. Zombie Apocalypse - Dead Block ( game khá hay đi 2-4 người)
+ video ----->
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373/65 lý thường kiệt - p8 - quận tân bình
Dich Vu 9X
yahoo : kinhdoanhgamesoftware / goldwoods_mnky
0939.920.827 / 01634.937.967
webside : http://dichvu9x.mov.vn http://gameps3.mov.vn http://dichvu9x.tk http://dichvu9x.co.cc